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*Interac transfer

Thank you for your order. It will remain on hold until we have confirmation that payment has been received.

Payment instructions: DO NOT enter IPTV or TV ANYWHERE.

1 Go to your online banking, then ‘Transfer’, then ‘Interac’.
2 Add a new recipient: Kevin Dubois
3 email:

– ** Make sure you spell the email correctly.
4 question: les 7 chiffres
5 security answer: 1234567

6. Amount: Consult our rates on the table below, then enter the amount of your desired subscription.

In the message section: you can mention your email or don’t write anything.

After sending the payment, please submit the following form:

The order is delivered immediately after payment (3 – 15 minutes activation time).

If there is any delay, please contact us in:

Pricing Table in CAD:

1 Device2 Devices3 Devices4 Devices
3 Months 42.99 CAD59.99 CAD75.99 CAD86.99 CAD
6 Months 69.99 CAD107.99 CAD137.99 CAD159.99 CAD
12 Months99.99 CAD179.99 CAD227.99 CAD262.99 CAD
24 Months166.99 CAD238.99 CAD335.99 CAD431.99 CAD
Lifetime269.99 CAD449.99 CAD599.99 CAD699.99 CAD